Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Info on "Dee's" Other Philatelic Writings!

Well today, was a glorious day.

Literally, within the past hour, I just came across another
blogger who made a nice mention and linked to this blog regarding my humble beginnings and efforts to create blog
about my grandmother. I am greatful and feel compelled to reciprocate.

Thank you!

Secondly, and more importantly, I've just come across another huge find!

I am so exicted because of the benefits of modern technology,
which is in current ability to save and document history in a collective
sort of way, before it becomes lost in some old trunk (a resonating theme
as noted with the beginning posts in May of 2009 blog as well as my own grandmother's research articles)

So, today I've got to tell you I found an online source with historical PDFs
mentioning some of the philatelic work Edith Faulstich wrote very early on,
during the first days of the Helvetical Socieity.

These offer fabulous little vignettes into the world of letter
writing, postal covers and the history of Switzerland all integrated into the
art of story telling. I am so excited I could just scream!

I found scanned newsletter documents on the back side of their Swiss Stamp's Website.

Did I mention that I love it!

Thank you, and thank you again to my unknown admired colleaques!

But, more importantly, it offers a small glimpse into the larger
chronological history building regarding to extensive volume of writing
and work my grandmother did over the course of her early beginnings.

This document I have come across trapses across a plethera of the past newsletters written, many of which were single handed researhed and typed up by my Grandmother dating from as early as Volume 12 in 1949, but predominantly running from 1955-1956, when she was both the President and editor, simultaniously.

This specific blog post today only chronicals her contributions to the the Helvetia Society, one of the predecessor organizations to the AHPS. The Helvetia Bulletin was published from 1938 to 1957.

I personally know she wrote for many, many other organizations and newspapers of the course of her life right up until her untimely passing. I have been to The Library of Congress in Washington, DC which has an archive of her writings on Microfiche film for her philatelic column written the Newark Sunday Times for about 20 to 25 years.

But, that content from the Microfiches is largely unreadable on those films and prints out very very poorly. So I have no good efficent way to recreate that content.

So, I will continue in my hope of finding persons who are passionate about sustaining written history (true to from) as a result of hand written letters, journalism and other societies she was connected to help me add to the great volume of her life's work and advocation.

Please bear with me as I will re-edit this post several times and my findings today today, as I have more time.

Please stay tuned for more!

As a final personal note, it's great to capture see the evolution of how things used to be done by hand from a publishing and editorial stand point and how things have so changed over the course of time. But, ulimiately compelling content that resonates with people is still king, even today in our digital world. Which, in the end is worthy of studying, and I so value this time and hand done work of the days of old. Just fabulous pieces we all can study and draw from to better engage our audiences on a personal level, no matter who they may be now or years and years down the road.

I quote in part, the historical document printed in October 1969,
relative to Edith Faulstich:

The society's last national president and editor was Mrs . Faulstich
who brought professional writing talents to bear on the Bulletin
in 1955 and 1956.

She added illustrations, advertisements and more pages.

In the spirit of brotherhood,her first pictures showed, not stamps, but society
members in convivial groups at an annual meeting . During her first year the
society signed up 41 new members, reversing a three-year downward trend,
and almost reached the level of membership it had attained in 1952 .

Rising costs, however, forced Mrs . Faulstich to discontinue the
illustrations and limit the Bulletin to an average of eight
pages a month in 1956.

Like all the presidents-editors before her, Mrs . Faulstich found the
work demanding and time-consuming. And when, like her predecessors,
she turned down another nomination, there was no one else willing to lead the society.

The Helvetians adjourned their January, 1957, annual meeting
without a president, and that action left them with no editor as well.

The Bulletin disappeared and with it the society's most important
link among its widely-spread members.

Although the society had issued only 405 membership cards during its
19 years, it had created a philatelic role for itself much larger than its physical
size .

The reasons were several : the pride of Swiss Americans in the artistic
stamps of their politically creative homeland, the dedication of collectors in
studying some of the world's most famous early adhesives, and the pleasure of
friends in wearing a velvet skull cap as a mark of philatelic brotherhood.

In the Helvetia Society there were many cases where individual
members were all three of these types combined.

But the Helvetia Society didn't completely "disintegrate"

I am posting a chronological listing of her writings/commentary and such for this
society with a primary source document.

If you fast forward through the document you can type in a page number
and begin to see the topics and reports which she wrote about beginning
on about page 43 -(Newsletter Volume 18 #2 (February 1955) and her
writing continued regulary throughout, to 1957.

What a wonderful history.... about history and about philately,
all blended together. I am just beside myself with excitement in
finding some of her other writings.

Below is a complete chronology of her specific written contributions to this Swiss Stamp/Helvetica Society.

Fisher, Edith M. (see also link under name Edith M. Faulstich)

Fast forward to page 30 to begin seeing her list of editorial contributions
I will build in the actual links to these articles/contributions in the very
near future for easier access.

Maurice Tripet Shows Swiss Airmail Stationary at Collectors Club
Volume 12 #2 (Feb 1949) page 18

Report of the Northern New Jersey Branch of Helvetia
Volume 9 #9 (Sep 1946) pages 65-66

The 11th Annual Meeting and Banquet
Volume 12 #2 (Feb 1949) pages 9-12

The 1862-1881 Remainders and the Ausser Kurs
Volume 11 #6 (Jun 1948) page 45

Ausser Kurs; Sitting Helvetia issue remainders; Zumstein #28-52
The National Philatelic Museum’s Catalogue of the Swiss Show
Volume 12 #8/9 (Aug/Sep 1949) pages 69-70

Faulstich, Edith M. (see also Edith M. Fisher)-
Please Fast forward to begin on page 30.
I will add hyper links to her other articles and documents as I can.
But, I do feel this a a great start with more of her articles to come, in the near future.

[no title]
Volume 18 #7 (Jul 1955) page 12

Photographs from the June 13th, 1955 meeting
Volume 19 #3/4 (Mar/Apr 1956) page 1

Costs of publishing the Helvetia Bulletin
Volume 19 #8 (Aug 1956) page 1

Plea for articles
Volume 19 #9 (Sep 1956) page 1

A small general comment added by Faulstich
A Millenarian Swiss Town
Volume 19 #5 (May 1956) and see the bottom of page 8

A Topicalist can Enjoy Spring Carnivals in Switzerland Through the Stamp Album
Volume 18 #3 (Mar 1955) pages 9-11

Background data from the Swiss National Travel Office in New York
A Tribute to Karl Bickel
Volume 19 #7 (Jul 1956) pages 7-8

Reprinted from the Essay-Proof Journal
Stamp engraver; biography; 70th birthday
An Editorial - The Broader Scope
Volume 18 #5 (May 1955) page 18

Annual Meeting of Helvetia
Volume 19 #1 (Jan 1956) page 9

Editorial . . . Regarding Editorship of Helvetia
Volume 18 #12 (Dec 1955) page 8

Editorial . . . This is Very Important to all Members . Please read at Once.
Volume 18 #6 (Jun 1955) pages 2-3

Need for articles
Editors Report
Volume 19 #2 (Feb 1956) page 8

End of the Pre Philatelic Time
Volume 18 #5 (May 1955) pages 4-6

Based on the writing of Jean Winkler, “Altbriefe und Altbriefkunde”
Transition dates from Cantonal to Federal postal service
Events Ahead Which May Offer Cancellations
Volume 18 #9 (Sep 1955) page 9

Events of 1955
Excuse Our Ignorance
Volume 18 #6 (Jun 1955) page 14

Typographic errors in May 1955 Helvetia Bulletin
For the Topicalist - The Story Behind the Sports Stamp Featuring Hornussen - The 30c
plus 10c Issue of 1951
Volume 18 #8 (Aug 1955) page 4

Zumstein #WII 54
Guido Essig-Courvoisier Passes
Volume 20 #1 (Jan 1957) page 4

Obituary of Guido Essig-Courvoisier
Happy New Year and May it be a Prosperous One to Each and Every Member
Volume 19 #1 (Jan 1956) page 1

How Johanna Spyri - found on the 1951 Pro Juventute set - Dreamed the Heart
Warming Story of Heidi
Volume 18 #3 (Mar 1955) pages 6-7

Zumstein #WI 138
Volume 19 #12 (Dec 1956) page 1

Annual Meeting and Dinner
Volume 20 #1 (Jan 1957) page 1

Need for new president and editor
It Happens only Four Times in a Century
Volume 18 #2 (Feb 1955) pages 9-10

Information from the Swiss PTT and the Swiss National Tourist Office
in New York
1955 FĂȘte des Vignerons; Zumstein #321
Meet Our Dr. Kronstein
Volume 18 #11 (Nov 1955) pages 18

Biography -Meet Sid Barrett
Volume 18 #10 (Oct 1955) pages 13

Merry Christmas and All the Joys of the Season to One and All
Volume 18 #12 (Dec 1955) page 1

Message from the New President
Volume 18 #2 (Feb 1955) page 5

More on 5c PJ Issues
Volume 19 #1 (Jan 1956) page 9

Charles Pictet de Rochemont; 1955 Pro Juventute issue; Zumstein #WI 158
Our 17th Annual Dinner - Janury 22, 1955
Volume 18 #2 (Feb 1955) pages 4-4a

Simplon Stamp of Italy Criticized
Volume 19 #9 (Sep 1956) page 3

1956 Italian Simplon Tunnel issue; Zumstein #325
Swiss Memories of FIPEX
Volume 19 #6 (Jun 1956) pages 3-4

Swiss Stamps in the News
Volume 19 #2 (Feb 1956) pages 4-5

Swiss events with stamp tie-ins; Zumstein #259-261, 277-280, 309-312, 325
The Historic Simplon Pass and the Tunnel
Volume 19 #7 (Jul 1956) pages 3-4

1956 Publicity issue; Zumstein #325
The Inspiration of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi Reflected in Twentieth Century Deeds
Volume 18 #9 (Sep 1955) pages 2-3

Pestalozzi Village; Zumstein #WI 41-WI 44, 275, DV 22
The Mail Pouch
Volume 18 #5 (May 1955) pages 14-16

Excerpts from Letters to the Editor
The National Fete Stamps - With Special Emphasis on the Story of William Tell
Volume 18 #4 (Apr 1955) pages 12-15

Reprinted from the Chambers Stamp Journal, November 1954
Pro Patria stamps; William Tell; Zumstein #WII 1
The Swiss Alphorn
Volume 18 #11 (Nov 1955) pages 15-16

Zumstein #WII 55, 322
The Swiss Guards
Volume 19 #6 (Jun 1956) pages 6-7

450th Anniversary of the Swiss Guards
The Winegrowers Festival
Volume 18 #6 (Jun 1955) pages 8-9

1955 FĂȘte des Vignerons; Zumstein #321
This and That in Brief From the Editor’s Scrap Book
Volume 18 #12 (Dec 1955) page 7

Mobile postoffices; Hospes 1954; Swiss goatherds who became famous
This is FIPEX Month
Volume 19 #5 (May 1956) page 1

WIFAG Proofs
Volume 18 #11 (Nov 1955) page 17

Test stamps
With Deepest Sympathy
Volume 18 #2 (Feb 1955) page 6

Obituary of Edward Buser, Sr.
Zumstein Specialized Catalogue - Postage Stamps of Switzerland & Liechtenstein XIVth
Edition, 1957
Volume 19 #12 (Dec 1956) page 8

Catalog review
Zurich, Geneva and Basle
Volume 19 #3/4 (Mar/Apr 1956) pages 3-5

Reprinted from The Stamp Collectors Annual, December 1955
Cantonal issues; Zumstein #1-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Diplomacy & Grace Beyond Measure

Authors personal note: In a modern instantanious digital world... is the value of real personal diplomacy dead?

As a result, I am posting this as a story from my grandmother's time.

The value of "education" and lessons from my grandmother's example resonate well with me. I am a student still learning important life lesson's every single day.
Here's is a good example of Diplomacy and Grace Beyond measure. In my book, it's still worthy of discussion and reflection, even today.

I am honored to have heard of this story first from my father, and I share with you today. Please see the previous post before this one as well for a tad bit more information.

Word of Edith Faulstich/Fisher's dynamic influence, diplomacy and vast experience in the philatelic arena spread to international philatelic groups.

Many people desired to have her speak and judge at international philatelic exhibitions and other related functions.

On one such occasion, Faulstich received a very glowing and edifying letter from a man stating that his club would be very honored to have such an internationally famous person speak at their stamp club meeting in southern New Jersey.

The letter was signed by the president, Mr. Smerber.

Faulstich recognized the name Smerber as it was not a very common name. She also remembered that he was the same Mr. Smerber from her tenth grade math class.

At that time he did not link Edith M. Faulstich as being the same person as Edith M Vanderpoel.

She was the same person from his 1925 tenth grade math class (author’s interview, 1996).

She wrote a very nice letter back to Mr. Smerber and graciously accepted his invitation. When Faulstich arrived at the meeting, Mr. Smerber did not recognize her when she arrived at the formal luncheon.

Faulstich began her opening remarks about the importance of knowledge and commitment in the successfully promoting philatelic work.

She then began to weave a captivating tale, recounting a forty year-old story about a tenth grade student and how much a teacher can impact and contribute to helping shape the future lives of students. She then coyly but ever so diplomatically turned a smile to Mr. Smerber. She said, ". . . and that student who was Edith M. Vanderpoel became Edith M. Faulstich.

I stand before all of you today to say that my personal education has been and still is the key to promoting the importance of our philatelic work and research." She then very skillfully intertwined her enthralling story so that it resonated well with the members present by providing relevant motivational material and many gracious thanks for inviting her to speak.

Faulstich never mentioned Mr. Smerber’s name in front of the audience. Faulstich and Smerber maintained contact for many years after that gracious speech (author’s interview, 1996).

A Few Tid Bits About "Dee" & A Pivitol Moment

As a child she developed the nick name "Dee."

The development and transformation of the name came from her Swiss-German grandfather, Conrad Bollinger. When ever he tried to pronounce Edith it always came out "Edit." It sounded like he was always saying "eat it".
To avoid embarrassment he began calling her Dee.
Throughout her life she was known as Dee.

A Pivitol Moment, in High School

One occurrence appears to have become a pivotal point in Faulstich’s life. Faulstich knew she was intelligent and despite what others thought, she was not a quitter.

At Park Ridge High School in 1925, Edith had enrolled in Mr. Smerber's tenth-grade geometry class. It was not that she needed the class to graduate, but all her friends were in the class. She was a very social person, but be it known, Edith was not a flighty person by nature and always gave her best at any given task. Part way through the geometry course, Faulstich realized she and math did not mix. Never having done so before and after considerable deliberation, she asked to withdraw from the class. Mr. Smerber brought her up from her wooden desk to the front of the class and stood her up on top of the platform where his desk reigned. Before the entire class of 25 students, Mr. Smerber proclaimed that she was a quitter, a looser and that she would never amount to anything" (author’s interview, no. 1, 1995). Despite the embarrassing incident in front of her classmates she graduated from high school in 1927.

Later in her life, this incident would become the opening remarks of a speech she would make to a large philatelic audience in southern New Jersey.

A Communicator Before Her Time

I am providing an external URL link to a Master's dissertation study relative to the communication skills of Edith M. Faulstich
for further research about her work and her life.


A Directed Research Project Submitted to:

In Candidacy for the Degree of Master of Arts
By: Alice Margaret Fisher (Crittenden)
-May 1997 -


In his renowned story, Le Petit Prince,
Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, "C’est le temps que tu as perdu pour ta
rose qui fait ta rose si importante. Les hommes ont oublies cette verite."

This quote is literally translated as, "It is the time you have spent for your rose that has made your rose so important. Men have forgotten this truth"(Saint-Exupery, p 87).

By completely devoting most of her available time to philately, Edith M. Faulstich successfully moved beyond the social stigma of divorce, beyond poverty, and sexism in a race against time.Racing against time, Faulstich became the first philatelic woman journalist, first woman author about WWI’s Siberian Expedition in Russia, and the first woman president and communication manager of any philatelic organization. Faulstich implemented a dynamic multiplicity of factors to operate as a journalist, a persuasive communicator, a research expert, an editor, an author, a communication manager, and the first women president of the Postal History Society.In the end, Faulstich raced to communicate against the ravages of time for philately, for the lives of the forgotten soldiers who were left in Siberia and finally she raced against time for her own life.Statement of PurposeThis paper presenting Faulstich will demonstrate that through journalism and public communication she used a multiplicity of communication factors such as journalism, extensive research, profound knowledge, communication management skills and a relentless commitment to a cause, to become a successful international public communicator for philately.

But above all, she passionately gave of her personal time.

Study Significance

Journalism history, public communication history, and scholars have yet to study and recognize the multiplicity of journalism and communication management skills Faulstich possessed.She functioned with only a high school education and accomplished multiple professional public relation practices that preceded today’s formal training and public communication theories.

Her work is significant enough to assure her a well deserved place in journalism and public communication history even though such recognition has not yet been granted.This study is also significant because she was able to obtain journalism work. It was difficult to get journalism work in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s.

"Through the late 1940s, 1950s, and into the 1960s, the same kind of woman who had been welcomed at the city desk in wartime couldn’t get past the front desk. Some of the men who blocked their way merely mirrored the views of the day.

A women’s place was in the home; the newsroom was no place for a lady. . . . . Newspapers rarely hired women" (Mills, 65).There have been numerous and specific communication studies about women, women as minorities, barriers to women’s success, women’s roles, gender, discrimination, comparative intelligence studies and factors that hinder women’s professional success.

There has been a great deal of successful discussions about the pros and cons of how women are treated differently. Additionally, there have been studies about differences in professional positions, professional advancement, salary differences, glass ceilings and the positions assigned to developing female and male communicators.

This study is significant because the focus is on Faulstich’s success and contributions rather than the factors that hindered her progress as a woman.Likewise, little has been reported on what communication factors contribute to personal success as a communicator. Hence, a large void in the public communication field has developed from not recognizing Faulstich’s contributions to journalism and public communication and what facilitated her work as a philatelic communicator.

Furthermore, this study is important and significant because it will demonstrate that despite obstacles, Faulstich was successful as a journalist and public communicator.Study LimitationsAs with any research, many expansive aspects from an original concept about what constitutes success before one’s time may emerge during the research process.

Furthermore, this study recognizes the heated debates of feminist and gender issues in women’s successes, failures, and/or injustices. One can speculate that if this presentation and research is aligned with one or more minority groups, it may incite certain opposing reactions.
Some theorists relate poverty, gender and activism with success or failure.

This study focuses on the communication aspects relative to Edith M. Faulstich the person, and the dynamic multiplicity of communication skills that added to her success as a model journalist and public communicator.

This study is limited to the fact that there may not be any similar studies examining the multiplicity of communication skills used by Faulstich.

This research is limited in that there may be relatively few, if any, successful women journalists and public communicators in similar avocations who had an impact on so many people with such far reaching communication results.

Although this study touches on philately and W.W.I., this study will not address these topical subjects in extensive detail nor will it analyze broadcast media. Future research may warrant comparative studies of other successful nontraditional public communicators who used a multiplicity of journalism and public communication skills, without formal training.